Introducing Hang
A mobile app using Near Field Communication (NFC) technology to merge your online and offline shopping experience.
Inspired by the likes of Burberry’s 121 Regent Street, Hang presents the user with a personalised shopping experience through NFC tags which are placed onto the products in store.

Find me that dress!
Hang can identify when you enter a store, and lead you to specific items on your wishlist using NFC. Once you’re at the item, hold your phone near the label to identify that product, giving you all the information you would find on the website, while you’re stood holding it.
If you find it and love it, check out through the app and walk away – party dress in hand. It’ll be added automatically to your online wardrobe, where Hang will begin to create outfits for you, ready for when you need them.

Your digital wardrobe
Hang provides an effortless digital wardrobe tailored to your personal taste in clothes. By learning as you buy, Hang provides seamless recommendations for different outfits. You can see what would go perfectly with those heels for a night out, or see how others have styled the same, or similar, items in their own way for inspiration.